3 Days Sese Islands Tour

Day 1: Drive To Ssese Island On Lake Victoria
Early in the morning you will be briefed by the guide to transfer to Bukakata Landing site on Lake Victoria. This journey will take you through Masaka road. You will have a lunch stop in Masaka to proceed to the landing site. The ferry will then transfer you to the Luuku site one of Ssese islands. You will then be transferred to Lutoboka bay to spend the night at the Palm Beach Resort.

Day 2: Bird Watching, Primates, Fishing, Bike Riding
Have breakfast and then go for a forest walk for the whole day on the island. Expect lots of birds, butterflies, primates and other species. You will retire to the lodge for lunch and then in the afternoon go relax besides the shores, or build sand castles or ride bikes or fish depending on your interest. Dinner and overnight at Palm Beach Resort.

Day 3: Ride Back To Kampala
Have breakfast to transfer to Luuku landing site and board the ferry to Bukakata landing site on Lake Victoria. You will then drive back to Kampala. You will reach in the late afternoon for dinner and overnight at Serena Hotel / Hotel Africana.



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